All applicants for the Endocrinology Residency Program must have successfully completed internal medicine training prior to starting their subspecialty training program.
Applicants who qualify, may apply for funded positions via Canadian Residency Matching Service (CaRMS).
Graduates of foreign medical schools, who are not eligible for the CaRMS match, and have completed (or will complete) their internal medicine residency, but have NOT completed subspecialty training, may apply for a limited number of positions
Requests for applications may be made by contacting the Division of Endocrinology:
UBC Division of Endocrinology
Gordon and Leslie Diamond Centre
2775 Laurel Street, 4th Floor
Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9
Tel: 604.875.5929
Fax: 604.875.5925
Note: Internal funding is NOT available for these positions. Proof of external funding (i.e. from government or other recognized sources) is required before any application will be considered. These positions are limited and may not be available every year.
Application Documents
1. Completed application (CaRMS for Canadian residents or individual application for non-Canadian residents - available upon request)
2. Certified medical school transcript
3. Copy of LMCC examination results (for Canadian residents)
4. Three (3) letters of reference (including one from residency Program Director)
Application Deadline
All completed application materials must be received by CaRMS (Canadian applicants) or the Division of Endocrinology (non-Canadian applicants) by August 31st in the year prior to the anticipated start date.
Interviews are held in September-October of the year prior to the anticipated start date. Candidates will be notified of interview dates, once all completed application materials have been received.